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Dear Friends,

Please join us for our return to KUBRILESQUE, a burlesque tribute to Stanley Kubrick.

Friday, April 11th
at Fais Do-Do*
5257 W. Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, 90016
pre-show Jazz at 8pm
show at 10:00pm


Visit www.kubrilesque.com to see photos of the May 14th performance!


*Because we love you... great venue, not a great neighborhood. Please take caution with parking, even in the lot.

The Tulsa Skull Swingers
begin their monthly residency!

Every 3rd Tuesday
of the month at
The Steve Allen Theater*
tarting April 15th
4773 Hollywood Blvd.,
Los Feliz


Music! Comedy! Skeletons! Doughnuts!

*Ample, non-breaky-into parking in the lot!


Las Poubelles

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