This past Monday we contributed to Katrina relief at
Garage Comedy's after-party benefit ! While the Kissing Booth was in full effect, with hotties a-plenty (pretty, wallet mis-placing co-Queen of Garage Comedy, Kulap Vilaysack and too-brilliant-to-be-winning-pie-eating-contests-Erik Charles Neilsen amongst 'em- just to give you a taste of what you missed out on !!!) YES, while the Kissing Booth was in full effect with hotties a-plenty in da house, Fifi and I quietly set up our adjacent Slapping Booth. in the name of helping those who have suffered through the now pasé hurricane, we worked our palms into blistery messes...sort of. Katrina victims weren't the only winners, however - amongst the fifty+ brave souls who stepped right up (photos to come shortly, once i get my hands on Blaine's camera) we would like to honor some specials:
Kari French for being our first, with nary a spectator in sight. A pure desire to help out our unfortunate friends in the South was this lovely lassy's motivation to take a couple whacks across the cheeks. Bravo !
Michael Cassady for asking for and taking the most violent slaps of the night - a face slap from Fifi that sent him spinning into an ass slap from Bibi that nicely completed a 360 revolution...
Joe Wagner for best direction - "make it like a play," he said. "like it isn't real?" we asked. "no, like it was supposed to be a fake slap but it turned out to be way too hard and really loud and all the audience can think about for the rest of the play is how real and startling it was (i paraphrase)". done and done and *SUH-LAP* *SUH-FUCKIN'-LAP*
Eric Moneypenny for Best Virgo Who Stood in the Back Mimicking the Goings-on Without Participating After Having Ragged on the Kissing Booth Volunteers on A Special Thing Dot Com.
Special mention goes to
Danforth France for getting slapped after having sat for a goodly amount of time at a near-by table, drink in hand, comfortably watching as we slapped taker after taker, and then later agreeing to let us smack him A SECOND TIME so that i could photograph it for this here blog:

ps. we do parties.
pps. ssshhhhh but Wednesday's Lucha Va Voom is gonna be the better show if you wanna see us not only slap but punch, kick, dropkick, maim..nah, just kiddin'...but if you wanna see a full-on twin match, come to the Wednesday show is alls i am saying.