Annecy 2005.


annecy the town - quaint enough to have cobblestone streets, modern enough to have self-cleaning toilets. surrounds a crystal-blue lake and is surrounded by mountains. there are castles in the hills. i ate breakfast every morning overlooking the canal, where i could watch two twin ducks who just wanted to nap in peace even though it was broad daylight, just like fifi and i like to do. i lunched in italy on thursday.

annecy the international animated film festival - probably the most social and purely relaxing festival around. when not too hung over, a morning screening at the easy hour of 10.30 is best followed by a three hour lunch of kier, wine, courses, discourses, dessert, and then maybe an evening screening (siesta?) followed by..who knows? dinner? a stroll by the lake? before returning to the same pub from the night before...

the international aspect brings a wide range of films from all over, and it would not be unlikely to see a technically supreme, fast-paced, rack-focus-heavy c.g. japanese action piece, a jumpy-lined bulgarian audience pleaser, and a boring abstract blob-o-vision N.F.B. short, for instance, all in one sitting !!
and then there are the film-makers themselves...i always come away from the festival just as excited by the people i have met...this year fifi and i were reunited with the preciousness of the krause twins, will and fran who we predictably chickened out on asking to marry us again...i was not disciplined enough to take a 2005 photo of the four of us, so here is one from the ottawa international film festival in 2000.

marty and elaine's son, upright-bass player, and consummate charmer john andrews (who i think also runs klasky-csupo, inc. an animation studio here in los angeles) caught us up on all the gossip we could think to inquire about

and i had the pleasure of dining with the most beautifully elegant sleepy-eyed japanese woman ever, susie sumimoto, who works with the plucky and delightful director of the hiroshima international film festival, sayoko kinoshita.

i also had the honor of getting to know the ensorcelling ants-in-the-pants capriciousness of animator john dilworth, who claims that his head will not fall off if his neckerchief is removed.

also from a couple years ago in front of everyone's favorite pub in annecy. mischa aldashin is the one on the left, and his film with the little girls who daintily cry out "heyhey, heyhey" is one of my favorite things that i love. the one of the right is jim duffy, my first hero.

the witch of annecy
I'm just mad someone wrote "ensorcelling ants-in-the-pants capriciousness" before I could.
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