¡ ba boom ama chicago !
good news, everyone: two twins are back home again after another successful excursion to chicago - this time for cinco de mayo...after sleeping most of the flight over, we arrived well after midnight on thursday morning and, despite an early call time for our guest spots on the news, we went out for breakfast (y cerveza, gracias a los bolsillos grandes de durango y chilango) with durango kid, chilango, black tiger, and misterioso...
after two hours of sleep, we did our faces, hopped in the minivan and headed over to the studio, where a ring had been set up outside. it was f-in' freezing. we did some spots in front of a live audience of high school journalism students, along with solar, misterioso, and the ever glamourous cassandro. the real heroes in the ring turned out to be jordan knight of new kids on the block fame, and his equally cute lil pal from 98 degrees whose name i really wish i could remember. they were there promoting their new albums (who knew??) and somehow managed to find themselves in the ring with our boys. very good sports, they were.

we went home to rest a little, then off to the beautiful congress theatre...as usual, the cast and luchadores of Lucha Va Voom were amazing, and i think it is safe to say that every last one of the 1,550 chicageños who came to see us were fantastically supportive and made up one hell of an audience. las poubelles enjoyed ourselfs thoroughly...uh, except for the spiked beverage/cursed cat mask "incident"...another strange thing - after our bow, some dude nobody knew convinced us all to get into the ring. all of a sudden, half the audience was in there with us, everyone jumping up and down, all the buxoticas wobbling on their six inch heels, dancing with one chaparro after another - picture a rave in someone's single apartment, only with cerveza instead of drugs and much more tasteful music -surreal...it dawned on me that the whole ring was about ready to collapse and so i got out, as did everyone else - except for poor kitten deville. she found herself trapped in the middle of a pack of hungry revelers and had to be saved by roky roulette, who heroically threw his silk boxing robe around her and rushed her off - but not before her little candy drawers were savagely torn off...¡que lástima!

some photos from the match:

still reeling from my time under the influence, i wasn't really up for the onion's afterparty at the liar's club, and instead ended up having a peaceful post-show meal with lucha va voom producer liz fairbairn, blue demon junior, rey misterio senior, luchamania promoter ruben, fmll promoter roque, cassandro, solar, fifi and nicho el millonario, who not only shared his salad with fifi, but graciously picked up the tab with a million dollar bill.
the plane ride home was just as entertaining as the show. on board we had señor amor, don julio the earl of echo park, roky, summer peaches, bad-ass-superstud-super-hero gitano magno p.i., derby doll stabitha, fifi and my new favorite person on the planet - sugar pie. gitano initiated conversation with a (n underaged) girl named vanessa, who was seated in the middle of our chaos, and she drew our big-headed portraits - including this one of senor at his 1s and 2s, being supported by the poubelles - how cryptically symbolic.

you may notice that the plug has been pulled from the wall - this is her interpretation of when the power went out during the show, just as summer was about to go on RUINING EVERYTHING. not shown: 1,550 people booing pobrecito señor for a mistake that wasn't even really his fault for the most part only a little!!

anyway, we love you chicago - what a great crowd. are any of y'all out there?? send us a note !!
after two hours of sleep, we did our faces, hopped in the minivan and headed over to the studio, where a ring had been set up outside. it was f-in' freezing. we did some spots in front of a live audience of high school journalism students, along with solar, misterioso, and the ever glamourous cassandro. the real heroes in the ring turned out to be jordan knight of new kids on the block fame, and his equally cute lil pal from 98 degrees whose name i really wish i could remember. they were there promoting their new albums (who knew??) and somehow managed to find themselves in the ring with our boys. very good sports, they were.

we went home to rest a little, then off to the beautiful congress theatre...as usual, the cast and luchadores of Lucha Va Voom were amazing, and i think it is safe to say that every last one of the 1,550 chicageños who came to see us were fantastically supportive and made up one hell of an audience. las poubelles enjoyed ourselfs thoroughly...uh, except for the spiked beverage/cursed cat mask "incident"...another strange thing - after our bow, some dude nobody knew convinced us all to get into the ring. all of a sudden, half the audience was in there with us, everyone jumping up and down, all the buxoticas wobbling on their six inch heels, dancing with one chaparro after another - picture a rave in someone's single apartment, only with cerveza instead of drugs and much more tasteful music -surreal...it dawned on me that the whole ring was about ready to collapse and so i got out, as did everyone else - except for poor kitten deville. she found herself trapped in the middle of a pack of hungry revelers and had to be saved by roky roulette, who heroically threw his silk boxing robe around her and rushed her off - but not before her little candy drawers were savagely torn off...¡que lástima!

some photos from the match:

still reeling from my time under the influence, i wasn't really up for the onion's afterparty at the liar's club, and instead ended up having a peaceful post-show meal with lucha va voom producer liz fairbairn, blue demon junior, rey misterio senior, luchamania promoter ruben, fmll promoter roque, cassandro, solar, fifi and nicho el millonario, who not only shared his salad with fifi, but graciously picked up the tab with a million dollar bill.
the plane ride home was just as entertaining as the show. on board we had señor amor, don julio the earl of echo park, roky, summer peaches, bad-ass-superstud-super-hero gitano magno p.i., derby doll stabitha, fifi and my new favorite person on the planet - sugar pie. gitano initiated conversation with a (n underaged) girl named vanessa, who was seated in the middle of our chaos, and she drew our big-headed portraits - including this one of senor at his 1s and 2s, being supported by the poubelles - how cryptically symbolic.

you may notice that the plug has been pulled from the wall - this is her interpretation of when the power went out during the show, just as summer was about to go on RUINING EVERYTHING. not shown: 1,550 people booing pobrecito señor for a mistake that wasn't even really his fault for the most part only a little!!

anyway, we love you chicago - what a great crowd. are any of y'all out there?? send us a note !!
Hi there I'm a friend of Aarons who helped produce the show and I want to say that show was so much fun and my fav was when the evil cat mask came out haha classic. I checked out your website and you girls are pretty amazing. I read your blog and glad you enjoyed Chicago and haha I like your sugar pie comment we gave him and Ursulina a ride to Subterranean from the Liars Club, fun people :) well hope you add me and I will be sure to say Hi when you guys come back in Sep I will be ringside again by Aaron. well be safe and keep being amazing.......Bob
Congress Theatre? Holla! That was my home away from home during my junior year of high school, and deeply rooted in my family's memories of Chicago life. Glad to hear it was such a success!
Las luchadoras Poubelle:
I went to the Lucha Va Voom show at the Congress, not knowing what to expect, other than my slight interest in lucha libre, and I was knocked out!
What an awesome show. Me and my friends had a great time. I especially liked your match with the minis. You guys rocked! Watch out for the cat mask next time. :)
The weirdness during the power outage and at then end was pretty much due to the audience being pretty tanked up before coming to the show (cinco, ya know) - chicagoans aren't always that nuts.
I'll be at the next Lucha Va Voom here in chi-town (soon?) and I'll spread the word and get more idiots in on the fun.
lucha ba boom totally gots a heart-on for chi-town. we will be back, no doubt about it !!!
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